
"Chris...sweetie--wait up!", I smile lightly, jogging after him to plant a huge kiss on his soft cheek before he boards the plane. Since Chris is going to be away for 4 days on some kinda media stunt, to promote the UK pay-per-view that's coming up in the next couple of months, I'm by myself for a little while.

He smiles and drops his bags, picking me up and hugging me tight before showering me with kisses, "I thought you weren't gonna be able to make it!", he grins down at me, pausing for a moment before hugging me again and whispering in my ear, "I'm gonna miss you..", he sighs, digging his fingers into my suede jacket.

I smile and get caught up in my emotions, feeling horrible for not being at the airport sooner, but I had some script to go over with Matt and Jeff, trying to study the transition of my character from being Hunter's valet to their new assistant. I just hope nothing goes wrong tomorrow, I really don't have much confidence when it comes to a change, you'll probably notice a bit later.

"I wouldn't miss this for the world, sweetie...", I kiss his earlobe, craning his neck with my arms and leaning my head against his slick leather jacket, smelling of his cologne and his aftershave. I sigh and bury my nose into the upper-sleeve of his jacket, closing my eyes and taking in all of his familar scent, not wanting to let him go for the first time in our relationship. We've never been more than a day without each other since we've gotten involved, we work together and we're on the road almost 24-7.

I begin to cry softly, rubbing my wet tears against his jacket, "Oh...I'll miss you too...", I tighten my hold around his neck and begin to slowly move my hands down to his waist, pressing his frame against my body.

He smiles lightly, kissing me on the forehead and wrapping me in his embrace, "Don't cry, cutie...I'll be back soon, I promise..", he wipes a few tears from my face just as the announcement for his flight boarding blasts over the speakers.

I nod slowly and wipe the tears from my eyes, feeling absolutely stupid for being so childish. So what if goes away for 4 days?? It's not like the world's coming to an end or anything. I mean, I'll miss him, of course...we just got engaged two weeks ago, why does he have to leave so soon??

He glances up at the speaker attached to the ceiling above us, looking down at me with those eyes of his, which first attracted me to him about a year ago. He truly does have the prettiest eyes, they always burn a hole into my soul, blue as the richest sapphire, god I love him.

"Well, I think I gotta get goin' now, cutes...", he sighs, pressing his forehead against mine, tickling me with his golden-woven strands of hair, as he pulls one arm away from my waist to brush the piece of dark hair that escaped from behind my ear, putting it back behind its usual place.

"Y-Yeah..", my voice cracks a bit as I give him one final, long hug, closing my eyes as I know I won't be able to touch him for almost a full week. Maybe he'll catch up with me by the time we reach Detroit or something.

"Shh...", he squeezes me gently and strokes my chin softly, "I'll call as soon as I arrive at the hotel, okay??", he mockingly pouts his lips and then pulls them into a cute grin, winking.

I laugh through my tears, sniffling them up as he reaches over and picks up his bags, taking off his blue "Fozzy" visor and slipping it onto my head with a smile, "See?? I knew that would make you laugh...I love your laughs, beautiful..", he starts walking backwards towards the gate, waving lightly as he disappears.

I sigh and manage to pull out a smile, waving back at him and turning to trek back to the hotel, everyone's probably asleep by now, damn.

I suddenly feel an arm grab my jacket and pull me and I gasp and close my eyes, feeling a tender pair of lips pressing against mine, and I'm instantly thrown into the haze of a passionate kiss, until I slowly pull away.

"Didn't think I'd leave without kissing my babygirl first, did you??", he grins, gently pulling me back to him as our lips lock once again, delving his tongue into my mouth as I wrap my arms around his body once again, pulling him against me.

I pull away with a playful bite to my lip, raising an eyebrow, "I'd hope not...", I giggle, jabbing him in the ribs.

He laughs softly, reaching up to brush his fingers past my cheek, "Don't forget about me while I'm gone, T..", he sighs, cupping my face in his hands.

"How could I??", I grin, kissing him softly before he nuzzles his nose against my neck, making me shiver lightly.

"Just get on the plane, damnit...before I make you take me here..", I joke, feeling another warm tear slide down my cheek.

"Hmm...not a bad idea..", he replies with a smirk, kissing my cheek playfully, "I'd take you anywhere you wanted me to, sweetie...even if it is a busy airport..", he grins and picks his bags up once again, making his way down the same way he just came.

I smile and blow him a kiss as he pretendingly grabs it and holds it to his heart, "See this??", he raises his right hand in the air and I nod with a giggle, "I'll be using this for the next 3 nights!", he finishes with a smirk, balling his hand into a semi-tight fist, leaving a bit of room in the middle, as he exits through the gate.

"You ass!", I call back at him with a laugh, blushing a bit as the employees and staff flash me dirty looks, scuffling their feet as they walk in front of me.

Jeeze, is it my fault that my fiancee is an adorable pervert when he wants to be?? You'd think these people have never had sex before, is it so wrong to be physically attracted to someone?? Christ!

And to think I could've made it out of the terminal without getting spotted, hehe. I almost made it all the way to Parking Lot B-4, when a young male fan comes seemingly out of nowhere to ask me for an autograph. I love the fans of the Federation, they make our jobs that much easier by showing their support, and even getting a bit crazy at times.

"Hi, how are you, sweetie??", I ask softly, stopping to bend down and give the little boy a hug. He smiles and takes off his mittens, handing me a piece of paper and a glitter pen. How cute he is though, he reminds me of a mini-Jeff with his light, sandy blonde hair and his bright green eyes, almost as if they speak to you and tell you to continue looking into them.

He smiles and wipes his nose with his hand and I smile down at him, signing the notebook paper for him and stopping, "What's your name??", I ask softly as he looks up as if he's pondering.

"Uhm...my name's Jonathan!", he grins, showing his nearly toothless smile as I nod and personally sign it out to his name.

"Well Jonathan, you have a very cute smile, you know that??", I grin as he nods and attempts to wink, but winds up blinking both of his eyes at the same time with a light giggle.

"I gotta go now, Jonathan...you have fun and keep watching, alright??", I hand him back the piece of paper and reach over to give him a kiss on the cheek, waving lightly as he takes off to go sit next to his parents again.

I smile and feel my heart lifting a bit, pulling the collar up on my jacket to keep warm as I can, jamming my hands into the wool-lined pockets as I dig in my jean pocket and fumble for my car keys, quickly feeling around for the cold, striking metal.

I grab the keys out of my pocket, hopping into the car and starting the engine, sighing and remaining quiet the whole trip back to the hotel, comforted only by the radio.

I softly hum along with the lyrics, sighing as the song goes off and a new one starts up, just my luck--it's Chris' favorite song.

I reach over and turn off the radio, bringing my hand up to lightly rake my fingers over the Fozzy emblem stitched with red thread on the back of the visor.

"Chrissy...", I sigh heavily, whispering his name as I bring my hand back to the steering wheel, making a right turn into the Hotel 6 parking lot.

I make my way down the deserted hallway, making sure to keep my footsteps light as I trudge to my room. Actually, it's not entirely my room, I share it with my best friend now. Good thing she kicked Drew out the room, even though he is her boyfriend and all, hehe, I'm so spoiled.

I let myself in, not surprised to find her sleeping, wrapped in a jumble of covers and blankets, it's not all that cold outside, but she likes plenty of covers when she naps.

Oops, I guess I should mention that she's also in the Fed. She valets Adam and Jay, weird huh?? You're telling me!

But she's not so bad, haha, we've been best friends for almost all our lives, I'm 23 and she's 22. You'd think that with this age factor I have over her that I'd at least be the taller one, but just my luck--she's 5' 9", you can only guess that I'm about 5' 6". We're from Jersey, but I won't mention where...I mean, you don't really care anyway, right??

We both have dark brown hair and green eyes, except mine are darker, kinda like an emerald sort of color. I guess you could say it's unusual to have green eyes in my family, everyone relative I know of has dark brown, but I guess I get to be the exception for once. ;)

We went to Kindergarden together, got through elementary, passed high school, and worked through 2 years of college with each other's help. That is until we suddenly got the zaniest idea to join a wrestling school together, which wasn't even planned, it was more of a dare type of thing. I dared her to come and sign up with me, and surprisingly she did, even though we never knew we'd take a liking to the sport and have a natural knack for it. I guess things never work out the way you plan 'em to, we were supposed to graduate from NYU this year, actually. We put college plans on hold for a little while to begin a career in pro wrestling, which turned out to be very successful, if I say so myself. :) It went pretty uphill from there, we got a contract from the WWF and quickly fit in with the other wrestlers, even finding some love within the squared-circle...
Damn, that was cheesy! Haha, guess I just described my personality, even though it's a bit complicated, I'll break down the traits for me and all my friends, okay?? Just don't fall asleep or anything.

My name's Tai, but everyone calls me T anyway, it's cute though. Me...now, I'm weird, I can be sarcastic when I want to be, but it's not an evil kind of cynicality, it's a friendly sarcasm. When I feel threatened by something or someone, I usually get confused and/or start to cry. Sometimes, it gets annoying to me, but I live with it. I'm always smiling and having fun, care-free most of the time. I'm a comfortable type of girl, I like wearing jeans versus a skirt, and a tank top versus a blouse. I'm a very easy person to love, and I'm the type that loves all types of people. I guess the biggest fault in my personality is that I fall in love quickly, I don't really expect a lot from others, just love. Speaking of love, the love of my life, as if you didn't know is Chris Irvine a.k.a. Chris Jericho. I fell head over heels the first time I saw him, he always knows how to make me smile or laugh, even if it's the littlest thing. What I like best about him is that he doesn't try to rush things that happen between us, he just let things happen for themselves. Plus the fact that he's adorable, sweet, caring, funny, and charming, attracted me to him. Enough about my life, I guess we can move on to talk about my best friend.

I love Karrie, she's an awesome person, I'm glad she's my best friend. She's always there for everyone, very dependant and very sweet. She's always up to do whatever I am, standing by my side no matter what. At least that's until Andrew comes around, hehe, then she pays me no attention! Always staring into his eyes and snuggling up with him, but I understand what it's like to have a blue-eyed Canadian cutie that you can't say no to, so it'd be hypocritical if I said they make me sick sometimes! *whispers*..Which they do! ;) Her personality is very easy-going and adventurous, fitting almost perfectly with mine. Some even say we could even pass for sisters, I believe them though--I consider her my sister, haha, sometimes we fight like we are too. One thing though, she can kinda be shy around people she doesn't know, but it's cool, I help her out. Enough about her though, I guess I should move onto Jeff now.

Jeff Hardy...the most poetic man I've ever met, not to mention he's really cute too! *sighs*...If Chris heard me saying that, he'd be so jealous, but oh well--he's not here right now! Hehe, it's not hard to fall in love with his writing, his works are like liquid heat, they always bring a soft and warm feeling to my heart. I had the biggest crush on Jeff last year, he even told me that he would've asked me to marry him if I didn't fall for Chris. Even though I still do love Jeff, we never took our relationship farther than a friendship. No, we didn't sleep together or anything, we just have a deep understanding of each other and a spirited love. I admit, I get out of hand and flirt with him sometimes, but I dunno...I--*sighs*...just can't.
He's wild and loud when he wants to be, always giggling and laughing like a madman. Since we're the same age, we share a lot of the same interests, I was the one who went with him to get his belly-button pierced. Haha, of course he dared me to get my tongue pierced, which I willingly accepted and accomplished easily :). Jeff's a very attractive guy, of course, but we're just friends--nothing more, but still...I can't help but to care about him..

Matt, his brother...what a sweetie he truly is, always making sure everything and everyone's okay. He's the most loving guy I know, he likes everyone and is always trying to help, no matter what the situation. My mother used to say that guys like him only come along once in a lifetime, and she's right--Matt's a godsend. I love Matt like an older brother, he's always looking out for me and Jeff. Aside from his Pearl Jam fetish and his need to wear heart patterns on his boxers, he's the best. Too bad he's dating Amy Dumas though, what a waste of a good man on her. *sighs*..Matty, what are you thinking?!? I swear, she better not break his heart...

We have Adam, Jay, and Drew finally. Three of the hottest Canadian guys I've ever seen in my life, hehe...well..it's true! They always have a joke lined up, and always ready for anything. I love every single one of them, they're great friends to have around for laughs and just plain fun. Doesn't help that they're all blonde, does it?? *laughs*

Can't really complain much about my life or my friends, they're both great, but I guess my biggest troubles lie ahead...